Tokio Inkarami: the Lunchtime hair-repair treatment at Le 23eme Lieu

At the beginning of December, I visited Le 23eme Lieu located in the beautiful Eaux-Vives area in Geneva. I wanted to look after my damaged hair and add a little bit of shine before the Holiday season.
It was my first visit to this salon and I was nicely surprised how modern and hip this salon is, from freshly cut flowers to great products in the offer and very skilled hairdressers. When Kevin (the hairstylist who took care of my hair ) saw my hair he advised doing Tokio Inkarami treatment, gloss and a cut.

What is Tokio Inkarami?
It’s a Japanese repair cure, an intense multi-step ritual that takes over an hour and involves massage, layering protein, keratin, hydration treatments and a steaming mask. It’s very popular in Asia, but now is also getting more popular in Europe.
This is a 5-steps deep treatment protocol that targets chemical and mechanical damage and it lasts from 4 to 6 weeks. It is a revolutionary treatment that offers a real makeover to the hair.
Tokio Inkarami also is personalized depending on the hair type. The basic line is made for natural hair, a Smooth line for fine hair and a Moisture line for thick hair.
“Repairing the hair deep down by protecting it like a bandage on a wound”
9 Facts about the treatment.
Tokio Inkarami:
- Rescues very damaged hair.
- Can helps to revive curls.
- Enhances perm and volume rebonding results.
- Makes hair feels silky soft.
- Results are viable longer than usual treatments.
- Reduces damage caused by bleaching.
- Is so light, so it doesn’t weigh your hair down.
- Smells heavenly good.
- Is affordable.
My experience
This treatment protocol is done in 5 steps and most of this time I spend in the armchair with my head over the sink, so it’s good to be prepared that it’s some time to deeply relax.
- It started with washing my hair with a neutral pH shampoo.
- Then Phase 1 product was applied that prepared hair to receive the next products.
- Then Phase 2 is applied, which is a cream that contains amino acids to nourish the hair. My hairstylists had to slum the product with a feast into my hair. It was something new for me, but it’s a normal process, so don’t be surprised.
- Phase 3 product is a component of hydrolyzed keratin that come from sheep wool. It disciplines the hair and smooth them. Then it was left with a heated towel on my hair for around fifteen minutes and it was a perfect time for my nap 🙂
- After this step Kevin applied gloss on my hair and then followed another steps of the Tokio Treatment.
- The 4th step is to apply 18MEA fatty acid and ceramide to add shine, protect and moisturize the hair at the same time.
- The fifth and last step completes it all, it’s the application of a spray whose active agents close the the hair in order to protect them.
As you can see it’s a little bit complicated, but results are visible right away. Also, I have noticed that the results of Tokio Inkarami hair treatment were long lasting. Even after 2 months, I could feel that my hair was much more smooth, glossy and full. In my opinion Tokio Inkarami is a treatment that could easily be done from 2 to 3 times a year.
Before and after photos.

The Smooth, Shiny Finish
Tokio Inkarami hair treatment took only 90 minutes. I love the results and I will definitely do this treatment a few times a year. I even noticed that after I washed the hair at home, the results were even more visible. I had no knots and they were also easy to brush after the shower. Products smelled nice and I enjoyed the lovely treatment at Le 23eme Lieu.
If you fancy other treatments they also have Hair Botox and use the miracle products Olaplex, so I am sure that you will find something for yourself. To read more of my beauty articles please click here.

Useful Information:
Telephone: +41 022 735 14 10
Address: Rue du 31 Décembre 48
1207 Genève
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your Fashion, Beauty and Travel Blogger from Geneva.