ProLon, 5- day Fasting-Mimicking Diet program is a program that you need to read about. When I heard about it at first I wasn’t so excited. I thought it was only a losing weight diet. However, when I saw a video The Goop Lab with Gwyneth Patrol and founder Dr Valter Longo I got very interested. Then after a short research, I knew that this was the program that I need to try. Losing weight part was only one benefit. The program is much broader and has so many benefits. I started preparation by reading the book by Dr Longo, The Longevity Diet. I have learnt so much from it about how to slow down again and how beneficial the ProLon fasting-mimicking diet is for most people. Before I dive deep into the review I wanted to add that this is my personal experience and this might vary for individuals. If you decided to do this program you might have different results and feel different. They might be even more visible. So if you are still interested in the mysterious ProLon diet plan then please read my review below.

Table of Contents
What is ProLon, 5- Day Fasting-Mimicking Diet Program and the main benefits.
5-day program (all in 1 Box) that allows you to fast over 5 days, while still eating a nice amount of good food. It is called ‘Fasting Mimicking. The fasting Mimicking Program was designed by Prof. Valter Longo at the University of Southern California, to promote longevity.
the aim is to promote cell-based self-repair and rejuvenation—a cellular clean-up if you like. The pre-packaged food, supplements and drink mixes are expertly put together to trick your body into a fasted state and to keep you surprisingly satiated.
The biggest draw is that ProLon claims to help you lose visceral fat in the belly area, which can be a stubborn spot for some people (and can even lead to health issues); in clinical studies conducted by Longo and colleagues, individuals lost on average 5.7 pounds and 1.6 inches from their waist circumference after doing ProLon.3
The brand also emphasizes other health benefits—such as cellular cleanup and balancing your metabolism while giving your body a scientifically-developed combination of micro and macronutrients—as a reason to give it a try.
Rather than cutting out calories completely, you simply consume a smaller amount during the diet. On the first day, you’ll eat about 1,100 calories, while days two through five have between 700 and 800 calories per day.

What do ProLon boxes contain:
Example of the menu.
The ReSet by Prolon option includes:
- Breakfast: One Fast Bar, herbal tea, and algae oil supplement.
- Lunch: One tomato soup, almond and kale crackers and two NR-1 vitamin supplements.
- Afternoon: One olives packet and herbal tea.
- Dinner: One butternut squash soup and the program’s energy I.F. Chocolate Bar.

How does it work?
This program is designed to fast with the food, so it’s easier for most people. These processes occur each day of the five-day cycle:
- Day 1: The body moves into a fasting and fat-burning state. Preparing for “cellular clean-up,” where nutrient-sensing pathways are cleared.
- Day 2: Fat-burning in the body starts. Ketogenesis is initiated or ketone production, which helps turn glucose into energy.
- Day 3: There is an increase in fat-burning and ketone production.
- Day 4: Cellular cleaning and renewal and fat-burning continue.
- Day 5: Fast is completed, and cellular cleaning temporarily continues after the fast.
In case you would like to use The ProLon diet in order to lose weight, one program is not enough. It has to be done frequently, depending on needs, but even every month. There the ‘reset’ of your metabolism will happen. To use it in order to maintain health, and longevity and protect against diseases it can be done 2 times a year.
My experience with ProLon, 5- Day Fasting-Mimicking Diet Program.
Before I started the program I was very much afraid that I might not be able to finish it. I was truly so happy and proud of myself that I managed. Mostly because it was the first diet that I tried in my life. Surprisingly it is a diet that foodies like me can finish. It’s only 5 days long, so it’s very doable. The food is very tasty, however, there is not a lot o it. Each morning I was waiting for my nuts bar like crazy. It was so delicious, also the Kale crackers that are part of the lunch. They are just delicious. The L-Drink helps a lot with not feeling hungry so drinking it frequently helped me a lot. The most challenging day for me was day 5. I was already thinking about what will I eat the next day. I was actually fantasising about different kinds of food at this stage. There are a lot of fluids in the diet so something that I could eat with a more crunchy feel was my dream.
During the diet, I stayed active. It’s advised to rest a lot and don’t exercise. In my case, I was doing some yoga and stretching and I felt very well about it. I was also walking 6k steps daily. I think that people who were active before the program should include mild exercise during ProLon. However, if you were not active, then it’s better to rest more, perhaps including walking, especially in nature.
What I also liked a lot was that during the day my belly stayed flat, there was no bloating. I only had some mild headaches on the first 2 days of the program.

My tips for doing ProLon like a pro
By knowing my tips in advance before you start your diet you will be able to do it in a way that will be easier. It will be easier to go through a program. If you have a partner or a family it will also be easier on them too. So follow my steps for the best Prolon experience.
- Take a break from work if it’s possible. If not then I advise o start on Wednesday and have 2 last days during the weekend. The last 2 days are the most challenging and it would be hard to work on these days.
- Have a list o the movies prepared before the program or buy books. This way you will know already what will you watch or read and not add more stress when you will already be on the fast.
- You can have coffee, I had 2 or 3 decaffeinated coffees. If you drink caffeine then don’t have more than 140 milligrams per day. You can add some cinnamon to it, but no sugar or milk.
- You can add dry herbs or spices to soups or other foods in the diet (up to one tablespoon per day). I liked pepper, chilli and coriander.
- You can use sea salt (up to one tablespoon per day). Better if you don’t use it a lot, but some salt in the soup can make a difference.
- You can use 2 slices of squeezed lemon. I drank lemon water in the morning.
- If you have children then have a lot of meals for them ready. I cooked for my son before the diet and kept this in the fridge. Sadly I run out of food 1 day before the diet and only going grocery shopping and cooking was a challenge. Next time I will have more food in the fridge.
- Go for a walk, especially in the nature. It was very relaxing and also due to being on the fast, I felt more focused and alert. It was like looking at the surrounding in a different way.
- Do gentle yoga, especially in the evening or afternoon.
- Sleep longer hours. I went to bed early each evening and it was very helpful in not feeling so hungry or tired.
- Include self-care into your daily schedule. Take a long bath, meditate, do a facial, self-massage or journal.

L- bar
My final thoughts and results of the ProLon Fastin Diet.
What I could imminently notice was that :
- I had more energy
- My skin was clearer
- I was drinking more water,
- I had more cravings for healthy options, like fresh fruit and vegetables.
- I lost 1,5 kg, but I could see that my body was more toned and defined.
- I was eating smaller portions.
Overall I saw a lot of benefits. One of the most important for me, but not so visible was longevity factor and disease prevention. ProLon diet is very important in protection against, diabetes, cancer, and autoimmune disease among many others.

Benefits and cons of ProLon Diet
I would like to not outline some pros and cons of ProLon Fasting Program so every person would be aware of it before deciding if start it or not.
- Reduction in belly fat: This is one of the most common benefits. I have noticed it a lot, but it was even more spectacular in the case of my husband. Before starting PriLon he had more belly fat, I had only some. This fat reduction has also other aspects: weight loss, reduction in blood sugar and cholesterol and less inflammation in the body.
- Slowing down the ageing process: Longevity is one of the most important works of Dr Longo. It’s the core of all his research and studies. Fasting is known for anti-ageing benefits and it’s the same with this diet. There is a process called autophagy, where older cells are replaced with the new ones, more healthy. Interestingly shortly after the ProLon Diet, I had tests done and the therapist told me that my body is much younger than my age. I believe it was connected to the program.
- Gluten or lactose sensitivities reset: By cutting out most foods for five days the body is can reset the food sensitivities and rebuild the colon for better digestion.
- The price: Prolon is not a cheap program, but I think it’s very affordable. There is no need to buy any other food apart from what is in the box. Price: CHF 229.00
- You need 5 calm days: You need a calmer week to go through it easier. Not everyone can afford to take a few days off from work, but if you can I would suggest doing it or working from home.
- Family schedule: If you have a large family and you have to prepare meals for them then it might be hard unless you have a strong will. I would suggest doing it together with a partner, I did it with my husband or have all meals pre-cooked or ready to be heated up.

If you would also like to try it then I have a code for you.
will give you 13% off on each box.
Or you can click here to go to the shop and buy with a discount: Discount Bella
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As always with love
Bella Zofia xx
Your Fashion, Beauty and Travel Blogger from Geneva